donderdag 6 september 2007

... Pure Sin

After I've seen 'Chien Andalou' from the director Luis Bunuel, a movie he made together with Salvador Dali, I can only wonder what the film is about... sex maybe?

In the movie there's a scène with a guy craving with desire for a 'girlie so groovy' (as Franck Black would sing) ... but then he's being held back by two priests, a piano and some dead donkeys ... kind of frustrating I guess. Maybe a man differs from an animal by his cultural and religious background. Making him unable to free his desires ...

Luis Bunuel once said: "Sex without religion is like cooking an egg without salt. Sin gives more chances to desire" So I guess religion has a good purpose after all: making sex a sin and thus making it more desirable ... now if I only could find a good religion ...

The scène is at about 7' in the movie ...

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