Dr. Pretorius: Do you know who Henry Frankenstein is, and who you are? The Monster: Yes, I know. Made me from dead. I love dead... hate living. Dr. Pretorius: You are wise in your generation...
Youtube zegt: "Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself" ... In deze tijd bestaat een mens voor 90% uit illegale acties ... en de 10 overige procent zal Sabam ook wel te pakken krijgen ... ... anyway Frank Vanderlinden is nog maar eens fantastisch ...
Moet ik dankbaar zijn? Voor de krassen die je maakte Op de plaat die ik graag draaide in mijn hoofd
... if you ever have the chance to see this movie ... please do ! The director Suzanne Bier is one of the heirs of the dogma-gang (see Lars von Trier), and I always wanted too see her dogma-movie called 'Open Hearts'. I still didn't see 'Open Hearts', but yesterday I saw one of her most recent movies called 'After the Wedding' and I'm still impressed. Maybe it's because of the camerawork (lots of close-ups and strange camerapositions ... dogma?), maybe it's because of the story (quite unexpected changes in the plot ...) which was made together with Anders Thomas Jensen ('Adams Apples', 'Wilbur wants to kill himself' ...) or maybe it's because of the actors (... pure emotions!) ... fact is it's one of the best movies i've seen recently, and I hope it will be playing in some cinema's over here ...
Donderdagavond is weer filmavond ! In de reeks '101 movies you should NOT see before you die' nummer 3 (nog 98 te gaan): een heerlijk kitscherige 'Kamikaze Girls' of m.a.w.: 'Shimotsuma monogatari' Laat de titel je niet misleiden ... het is een soort komedie (een Japanse welliswaar :)